Django Basics - First step to Simple REST API
Recently I had been watching Bucky's django series and I got this idea to make a simple API. After few attempts I made it. Its really a simple one. For the initial phase, I just used post title and first name in my database. API, basically a way to communicate between different parties. One party is providing its data to others. Others need to ask polite (protocal) to get data. Always API returns standard format.Like JSON. other parties can use these data for their own works.(as I understood) Lets get started, first we need to have django installed in your PC. Its very easy. Open your Terminal (CMD) and type, sudo easy_install django (Here I am explaining the Linux terminal way, if you use windows. Just ignore the sudo part.) Ok, we now have Django in our PC, create a folder somewhere you want, and go to it from terminal (cd command). ...