A Go Journey - Part 1
Hello fellow coders, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I am about to start a fresh project with Golang. I will update the blog through out the project. Here I am going to create a simple blogging platform using Golang's micro-architecture just like I created using Laravel and Django . I just started Golang. As I understood it sofar, we can call it as a combination of C and Python programming languages. It has the power of C with easy coding style like Python. For me, the most weirdest thing is variable/function declaration in Go. as an example, to define a string variable var myname string = "sachith" // function syntax func myfunction() string { return "Hello World" } a bit strange, isnt it? for variable definitions, there is a short method. myname := "sachith" Golang's capabilities and performances are the main attraction fo r this relatively new language. Golang is not considered as an O...